I notice own pregnancy and am upset. I who had the experience that received an abortion operation at the age of the teens once. I became considerably careful. ★私は自分の妊娠に気が付きますが、かなり今回は慎重に捉えてそれを機に、結婚まで行く構えでいました。10代で味わった失望を希望に替えたかったのです★
I notice own pregnancy and am upset. I who had the experience that received an abortion operation at the age of the teens once. I became considerably careful. ★私は自分の妊娠に気が付きますが、かなり今回は慎重に捉えてそれを機に、結婚まで行く構えでいました。10代で味わった失望を希望に替えたかったのです★